Saturday, January 5, 2019

We saw a Covenant, no thats a Convent

Outer Journey

Today was once a fun filled day of adventure! One of my most favorite things to learn about is history. I have always loved and really enjoyed learning about history. I feel like it is important to know about and we can learn from the past, to make our future better. There really is so much history to this city. Both good and bad. Happy and sad. I was able to take so many pictures today. I enjoy taking pictures so I can reflect on them later, and think about all of the fun filled times I have had. I find the history of Churches to be quite interesting. Sometimes they have a dark past, but the church is usually is able to rise above that. Learning about the history of the St. Louis Cathedral and the Old Ursuline Convent was exciting for me. Walking in I could smell that familiar church smell. The convent also smelled old. The architecture was beautiful and old. We don't see buildings like that anymore. They would be way too expensive to build. The craftsmanship that went into the building of the church as convent was amazing. The paintings and the statues we something I could look at all day long. Learning about the history of these two massive and old buildings spoke to me. I didn't know where to look first. I wanted to take everything in as much as I could. Also, the older gentleman that was giving us the tour at the Old Ursuline Convent was wonderful! He had a cute accent and had a really good sense of humor. I practically hung on every word he said. I asked him why it was so "bad" to harvest the sugarcane. I never knew that it was that hard to have to chop sugarcane down because of how dense they are and how close they grow together.

I enjoyed the cuisine tour immensely. I was able to eat foods that I do not have the chance to eat at home. I think my favorite was the turtle soup. I have eaten turtle before, but never as a soup. It was creamy and delicious. It was also very rich, not something you would be able to eat a huge heaping bowl of. I have also never had a real praline either and those were oh so good! For some reason I always thought they were some sort of cookie. Like a snickerdoodle or something. They were not what I expected, but so much better. Melt in your mouth good, also a bit sugary. Not something that you could eat a whole bunch of (you know, like chocolate chip cookies). I would like to find a recipe for them and try and make them myself. The smell of the shop with the pralines made me think of my grandma and her baking. It was the sweet smell of vanilla, butter, and sugary baked pecans. It was a comforting smell, and something that I would like my home to smell like! Walking down the streets and seeing the artists always blows my mind. My head is swiveling in all directions trying to take it all in. The paintings and the music are something that I try to get plenty of pictures and videos of. I can't wait to show my family back home everything that I have seen and tell them about all that I have learned.

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