Inner Journey
NOLA 2019, so many experiences already. The sights, sounds, locals, other tourists. Where to I even begin? The city is so full of life. There is never a dull moment. I adored how people here literally don’t care what others think. They dress however they want. I have seen some crazy outfits, and some really cool ones. For them, this is completely “normal”. Back home if I did that, people would look at me as if I had lost my mind! I really liked our tour guide, Milton. He was fun and insightful. I was able to see how much he loved doing what he did, and was very knowledgeable about everything as well. My Great-Great-Grandmother was Cherokee. I have Native American on both sides of my family. My grandma still donates to the tribes, which makes me proud. When hearing about how the Native Americans and the Africans worked together, it made me really happy. That isn’t something I had ever learned about, let alone heard about his history class. I wish this was a topic that had been discussed during any classroom time I ever had in high school or junior high. There is so many things that I have learned already here. Some that pulls at the heart strings, and some that blows my mind. Hearing about the Natives and Africans was impactful for me because I loved hearing about how they worked together, to help one another out. It was also very interesting. I cannot wait to see what more this city has to offer. There will be plenty more to come later. Not only for this blog, but for the next ones as well.
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