Thursday, January 10, 2019


     There were many artists in New Orleans. I stopped into multiple galleries and was able to view the beautiful artwork. Each artist had their own unique taste. It was fun to look at and try and think about what each different artist was trying to portray in their artwork. My favorite artist was Esther Barend. Her artwork was colorful and unique. She painted portraits of women that were colorful and beautiful. I wasn't able to take a picture of her artwork. The man in the shop however, let me take a picture of information about her. But I will admit that before walking into the shop I took a picture. The painting that she did were large and full of life.  She, Esther, was born to an artist family in the Netherlands. The article that I read about her said that her artwork is abstract and mostly autobiographical. I just enjoyed all of the colors she put into the paintings. I've never liked abstract art all that much, so seeing paintings of people or nature are my favorite. There were so many beautiful pieces of artwork. Some of the paintings that the street vendors did was just as amazing as those in galleries. In one gallery we went to one of the guys asked if we wanted to purchase a piece. I let him know there was no way I would be able to afford one! He was very polite and started to joke around with us. He said not all of the paintings in here were a million dollars, but some were. I was blown away. I can't wrap my mind around paintings being that expensive. My favorite ones I saw though were the ones that the street vendors were selling. Some of the "creepy" ones are my most favorite. They would have very colorful paintings of a black man playing a saxophone in a graveyard and I fell in love with it. I knew I should have bought it. I guess you could say I am more of a fan for the macabre type artwork.

      As I talked about earlier I loved all of the colors of the artwork. Even though creepy type art and shows are my favorite (not torture or anything sick or gruesome-my opinion) I loved the colors and the beauty Esther created in her artwork. I found myself just wanting to stare at it. I am not sure what exactly the story is trying to tell, I guess it is just one of her own. I know if I was making my own art, I would want to tell my own story. Even if people weren't able to always quite understand it. I suppose that's what artist do. Tell their own story in their own way. Whether it is through their art or music. I like their stories because it is unique to each individual. We all have our own lives and stories to tell. One think I liked about Esther was that her artwork is unique. She also stated that she wanted viewers to use their own imagination while viewing her work. She stated that there are no standards or expectations, just total freedom. I loved that about her. That she wants people to experience her artwork on their own terms, to view it and feel something completely unique. I don't know many artists, but it would be nice to think that they would all be that way. Rather than telling you what they want you to see, or how to intemperate their artwork. Maybe that is why I was drawn to her vibrate paintings. So full of life and color. The longer I looked at them, the more fascinated I became. It was quite obvious that she put her art into these pieces. That they had meaning to her, but each person could have their own interpreted meaning.

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