Monday, January 7, 2019

City Life

 Outer Journey-
     Today was a lot of fun for me. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the city on my own terms and on my own time. I was able to take my time and take in the sights and sounds of everything. As much as I loved having stuff to do each day it was nice to be able to relax a little bit more. There were plenty of interesting things that I was able to see and do today. I was able to people watch and see what if was like living in the city for some. Some people had it pretty rough from what I could see and tell and I felt really bad for them. I had a psychic reading today as well. It was insightful and somewhat therapeutic for me. He spoke to me about things that had happened in my life that I haven't ever told anyone about. Things that only a very select few people know. Hearing his advice and some guidance was helpful. I felt like things were going to be ok. I had the affirmation that things would be okay and that I was on the right path. I also got to go to a voodoo museum. I thought it was really cool. The building was small and cramped but it had a very authentic feel to it. Like the voodoo stuff that was in that building had some long gone stories that only they could tell. Some of the relics and painting that were on the wall I couldn't help but stare at. I just wondered what they were, what they were for, and where they had come from. Did someone wear the masks? If they could talk what kind of story would they be able to tell?

Inner Journey-
     I enjoyed being able to walk around the city and experience it on my own. I wasn't scared doing it, it almost made me feel even more independent. Walking with my head held high and remaining confident I felt like I was less likely to be bothered. It is really hard for me to walk by people and just ignore them. I hate having to do that and it makes me feel terrible. But if I stop and give money or something to every sing person I see, then I would become homeless myself. I learned that by walking with purpose and confidence, it made my feel more confident when walking through the busy streets. Seeing the street entertainers was awesome. Some of these people are really quite talented. I love to watch them. The city spoke to me in so many ways. There is always something to see and do. Each day has brought me a new and exciting experience. Im ready to go home but at the same time I am sad that I am leaving. I will say that the city doesn't have the best plumbing. Let's hope they are still working on it to make the bathrooms better. But the food more than compensates for the less than stellar bathrooms. It was a beautiful ay for exploring. It had just enough of a breeze to keep us cooler while walking and it also wasn't too bright out. During the day there are a lot less people out and about. The crowds really come out at night and that is when it really starts to get busy out. I was glad to be able to be out and about during the day so we weren't bothered much, but at the same time the night life is pretty cool too. There are all the lights and music that are always so entertaining. I just want to sit outside and listen to the artist play their music all night. It really speaks to me. Music has always been something that makes me happy and get me lost in the moment.

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