Saturday, January 5, 2019

Out if this World

Outer Journey

Yesterday was once again so much fun for me. So many different things to see and do in this exciting city! The street music was amazing and I loved to listen to it. There were so many different performers and they all had their own unique sounds. The two gentleman that played near the river front last night were my favorite. Their music was wonderful, it wasn’t quite like anything I had ever really heard before. I am not sure how to describe it. It almost sounded sad in a way, but also soulful. They were given money by people listened and they made sure to thank everyone. You could tell though that they just really enjoyed what they were doing, which only made it that much better. My favorite experience was probably seeing Marie Laveau’s grave, or the three of them. I have always been really fascinated by her. I learned some cool things about her that I didn’t know. It was a very old and beautiful cemetery. It is not like any of the ones we have back home. I got a lot of really good pictures yesterday to add to my collected. I enjoyed seeing all of the artwork of the city as well. My favorite artists were the street artists, rather than the ones who were shown in the gallery. For me there is just something a bit more “real” about the artwork done by the street vendors. One of the employees in an art gallery asked if we were interested in purchasing one of the art pieces. Ha-ha no. I am balling on a nursing student budget, so that is not going to happen. The architecture is something I like looking at. The old and ornate buildings. Those are my favorite. The Shotgun houses and creole cottages were my favorite of the two. I thought it was so cool that Africans were the ones who designed the Shotgun house. I had never heard of one or seen one before this trip. When I go home and who knows, maybe get to build a house one day, I want to fashion it after the ones that I have seen here.

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