Thursday, January 3, 2019

I've learned a thing or two

Inner Journey

     I have always loved to learn. It is something that makes me happy. Being able to learn about all kinds of things while I am here gets me really pumped for my day. Going to the Pharmacy museum is something that I am really looking forward to. I was really looking forward to the Ghost Tour, but it makes me happy that we get to go to it on a day that will be nice and I will be able to get the full experience out of it. Dinner was everything that I was hoping for. For me it was pretty much like eating soul food. The crab cakes were essentially my soul food for the day.

The French quarter was an interesting experience. I saw so many different sights and sounds. We were reading over some news articles in our hotel room and learned that when we were hearing all of those sirens while waiting for the street car, someone had been shot. Today was also the 9th day in a row that someone had been killed here. That is a very scary thought and makes me uncomfortable. I realize that this is a big city and all, but this is something that I am not used to. I am used to my small town life where we don't have to worry about that kind of stuff. My best friend hasn't locked her door in 13 years, so knowing that these individuals have been killed that many days in a row makes me uneasy. I will make sure to be on my guard a bit more. I will keep my eyes open and ears peeled for sights and sounds that may been trouble (as cheesy as that may sound). The inner journey is harder for me. I am not great with emotions or showing emotion. I am still learning how to write about it from this kind of standpoint. Thats all a part of the learning experience! I am ready for tomorrows fun filled day of activities. Ready to learn and blog. Ready to make memories and have fun.


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