Saturday, January 5, 2019

We got a dirty 30 and a 23-19

Inner Journey

Today was my 30th birthday and Rachaels 23rd birthday. I was so excited that I was able to spend this "landmark" birthday in NOLA! It's not just everyday that I am in New Orleans, let alone on my birthday. So that just added to my overall excitement and experience of the day.

Today I was able to learn about the structure of the Convent. It is a French design, but has stucco on the outside and the roof is no longer wood. I found this very interesting because they do that in order to essentially preserve the buildings and ensure they don't catch on fire because of how hot it can get here. The wood that would be put on the roof would bake in the New Orleans sun and would eventually turn into straw, which would then catch on fire. That is a scary thought to know how hot it can get that after some years it can catch on fire because of that! The city spoke to me today while getting lunch. We went to BB Kings restaurant before our cuisine tour. Once they found out that it was Rachael and my birthday they actually called us up on stage and sang Happy Birthday to us New Orleans style. It was so cool and I was so happy. I couldn't quite smiling. I was playing the cowbell and Rach was playing the good ole tambourine. The way they sing happy birthday is so much cooler than how we normally sing it. I can't quite remember all of the words, but the gentleman singing it had a soulful raspy voice. I could have listened to him all day long. Even though we were not locals they were eager to include us and it made my birthday very special to me. This is something that I will remember for a very long time. I thought it was so nice and was extremely grateful that they did that for us! Learning about the Mardi Gras today was insightful. There is so much that goes into it. Learning about the balls and the Mardi Gras queen and the dresses that she wears. We were able to go see some the dresses that are worn and I couldn't imagine having to do that! I am grateful and appreciative of the tour guides that have taken us around the city so we can get these wonderful experiences. It was a perfect day today. It was just warm enough with a slight breeze. It was also sunny out and I was glad to be able to be outside so I could see so much of what the city has to offer.

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