Thursday, January 10, 2019


     There were many artists in New Orleans. I stopped into multiple galleries and was able to view the beautiful artwork. Each artist had their own unique taste. It was fun to look at and try and think about what each different artist was trying to portray in their artwork. My favorite artist was Esther Barend. Her artwork was colorful and unique. She painted portraits of women that were colorful and beautiful. I wasn't able to take a picture of her artwork. The man in the shop however, let me take a picture of information about her. But I will admit that before walking into the shop I took a picture. The painting that she did were large and full of life.  She, Esther, was born to an artist family in the Netherlands. The article that I read about her said that her artwork is abstract and mostly autobiographical. I just enjoyed all of the colors she put into the paintings. I've never liked abstract art all that much, so seeing paintings of people or nature are my favorite. There were so many beautiful pieces of artwork. Some of the paintings that the street vendors did was just as amazing as those in galleries. In one gallery we went to one of the guys asked if we wanted to purchase a piece. I let him know there was no way I would be able to afford one! He was very polite and started to joke around with us. He said not all of the paintings in here were a million dollars, but some were. I was blown away. I can't wrap my mind around paintings being that expensive. My favorite ones I saw though were the ones that the street vendors were selling. Some of the "creepy" ones are my most favorite. They would have very colorful paintings of a black man playing a saxophone in a graveyard and I fell in love with it. I knew I should have bought it. I guess you could say I am more of a fan for the macabre type artwork.

      As I talked about earlier I loved all of the colors of the artwork. Even though creepy type art and shows are my favorite (not torture or anything sick or gruesome-my opinion) I loved the colors and the beauty Esther created in her artwork. I found myself just wanting to stare at it. I am not sure what exactly the story is trying to tell, I guess it is just one of her own. I know if I was making my own art, I would want to tell my own story. Even if people weren't able to always quite understand it. I suppose that's what artist do. Tell their own story in their own way. Whether it is through their art or music. I like their stories because it is unique to each individual. We all have our own lives and stories to tell. One think I liked about Esther was that her artwork is unique. She also stated that she wanted viewers to use their own imagination while viewing her work. She stated that there are no standards or expectations, just total freedom. I loved that about her. That she wants people to experience her artwork on their own terms, to view it and feel something completely unique. I don't know many artists, but it would be nice to think that they would all be that way. Rather than telling you what they want you to see, or how to intemperate their artwork. Maybe that is why I was drawn to her vibrate paintings. So full of life and color. The longer I looked at them, the more fascinated I became. It was quite obvious that she put her art into these pieces. That they had meaning to her, but each person could have their own interpreted meaning.

Music and Art Galore


     The music of this city was amazing. Each and every day there was something new to listen to. I could have listened to it all day long. I loved to watch and listen to the street performers, as well as the bands in any of the local establishments. I heard some classical music. I woman was playing the violin. There was also a man playing the according with her. The violin is one of my favorite instruments. Listening to her play was amazing. It wasn't an instrument or sound that I commonly heard in New Orleans. The streets were filled with all types of music. Classical, jazz, blues, pop, and brass jazz. I even saw a man playing the harmonica. I was fascinated by it. He was playing "Memory" from the play/musical Cats. It is such a beautiful song already. To hear him play it on the harmonica was interesting and beautiful. I didn't think it would sound right had someone told me about it. It was just the right combination of beautiful, sad, and interesting. There were also two gentleman who played by the riverfront. I was walking back to the hotel with Kate, Lindsey, and Rachael one evening when they were playing. They had a unique sound that I can't really describe. I loved listening to it. It wasn't quite jazz or blues. I don't know how to describe it really. But their sound was amazing and you could tell they loved what they were doing. It made me happy to watch and listen to them. Especially when you could tell how much they loved it. They put their soul and emotions into the music.
     The city spoke to me through its music in a few ways. I have always loved music. Whenever I am having a rough day, a good day, or anything in between, music has always made my day better. I used to play the flute. I played the piano and took guitar lessons. I listen to everything from Mozart to Metallica. So all of the music that I was able to listen to while on the trip was wonderful. Hands down any day I would rather listen to music than to watch TV. I never really felt anxious whenever the music started playing. I usually get nervous or anxious in large crowds because I can't watch everyone. The music, I was able to focus on that. It was soothing at times, and fun to listen to. There was always something new to listen to. Each group or individual had their own unique sound. It was very refreshing. Rather than hearing the same thing over and over, it was all different. Some were original works. Some were covers, and each one was lovely to listen to! There was even some creepy or etherial type music during the parade. I loved that. I especially loved hearing the bagpipes too. But at the same time it made me a little sad. It reminded me of my grandpa's funeral. He was a wonderful man. It was happy and sad at the same time. It reminded me of the really good times we had together. I love the sound of bagpipes. I was happy to hear it. It was a much needed "vacation" and being reminded of my grandpa made it even better. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Big Wheels Keep on Turning

Outer Journey-
            It was our last day in New Orleans today. I was actually pretty sad to leave. The short time that I was here made me fall in love with this place, and for me that is saying something because I usually (9 times out of 10) hate big cities. I loved the people, the music, the art, the food, the sights. There was so much to do and see every single day. I was never once bored. I walked until I thought my feet were going to fall off, and then I walked some more. Let me tell you, it was oh sooooo worth it. Once I graduate I plan to come back here because I love it that much. Some of the reasons I cannot put into words as to why I love New Orleans and the French Quarter so much because I am still figuring all that out myself. There are so many wonderful memories and experiences that I will be able to look back on fondly now. I took so many pictures. More than I will ever be able to print out. My favorite place that we went to was the Presbytere. I love museums and always have. I felt like it was a very eye-opening experience. I somewhat spoke about this before, but I never realized how bad Hurricane Katrina actually was. Yes, I had seen the news and read stuff, but had never seen clips like that or read the things they had in that museum. Hurricane Katrina was much worse than I ever imagined. It really tugged at my heart strings. It was so sad, and so devastating for these people. Seeing the man’s journal entries on his apartment walls almost made me cry. He was one of the very unlucky individuals who weren’t able to leave and be evacuated. He left a timeline of what happened every day. I started I believe the day before Katrine and then for weeks after. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around what that would be like. To stay in your apartment and not really being able to leave or go anywhere? It was very dangerous out too. No food or water. He spoke about having a sore throat too and needing medicine. Not all entries were sad though. He actually wrote a few about it being a good day. Good for him that he was able to enjoy the little things. I would tell others to visit this place. New Orleans itself as well as the Presbytere. I will miss this place. I will miss being able to just walk around the city and find new things to do for the day, or having the list of things that I will be able to see and do for the day. I also loved the Haunted History tour. It was awesome! I learned a lot from that as well. Things I had never heard of, and some things that were heartbreaking to have to listen too. I don’t want to give away too much, and some may have a weak stomach. If you want to know, read about Madame Delphine LaLaurie. She was a terrible human being. I don’t feel bad that she got her head chopped of in American Horror Story. I plan on visiting this place again in the future. When I am at least a little more financially stable and not a student. I wish I would have been able to purchase some artwork. But, that just means that I will have to come back and purchase some then! I even got a reading from a psychic medium at Voodoo Authentica, which was awesome. I would highly recommend it to someone who is looking for a fun experience in New Orleans that is something that isn’t just something you go and do every day. 

Inner Journey-
            I must say while on this trip I experienced many emotions-but that’s a good thing. I felt excitement the whole time. I felt some anger and sorrow at museums and on some of the tours. I also got a bit nervous and anxious during some of the parades. There were so many people and it was so loud. One night after the first official day of Marti Gras started I saw a police vehicle with the stock trailer on the back. I got excited because I knew the mounted police were out and I wanted to see the horses. Unfortunately, I did not see them. Before I really decided to be a nurse I wanted to be a police officer for a long time. Either a K-9 of Mounted police officer. Dad wasn’t having that, so I decided I could still help people with nursing (which I love). So maybe the next time I come here I may be able to see the Mounted Police. My favorite part of the class was the tours. As I have said before I love to learn. I always have. So being able to learn things and sight see, AND have fun was awesome for me. It is hard for me to narrow down my favorite things and favorite parts of this trip. How do I cram all of these wonderful days into these blog posts? My favorite part of the trip was being able to see and experience new things with my friends. We saw creepy things, fun things, sad things, and funny things. The cemetery and Haunted history were spooky and full of information lead by wonderful tour guides. The street performers were so much fun to watch. They would dance, play music and make me laugh. I would temporarily forget I was a tourist and on a school trip while watching the performers dance and make music. It was sad to see the devastation by Hurricane Katrin. It was heartbreaking to hear what Madame LaLaurie did to her slaves. I felt such anger and disgust toward her. How can you do that to another human being? Our tour guide for the Haunted Tour and for the cemetery were funny too. The older gentleman that did the tour at the Ursuline Convent was adorable and was able to crack some good jokes too. The locals here were so nice! They would call you baby or honey and it didn’t sound condescending at all. It’s just the way they speak. They were always willing to offer up stories and advice. They told us where to go for good food. They also told us where not to go, and to walk with a group to remain safe. They were able to spot a tourist from a mile away. The performers, artists, and musicians of the city loved what they do and that really shone through. I learned that after a few days I was able to navigate the French Quarter comfortable. It was easy to get turned around, so it is important to remain aware of your surroundings and what your doing. I also learned to pay attention to street signs and landmarks. To walk with confidence. It also reinforced how much I hate ignoring people and just having to walk away from people. Back home we never do that. But, we also don’t have people trying to get money because they are homeless. The performers I am more willing to give money to. But when someone walk up to me and ask for money while smoking and drinking from a whiskey bottle-no. I still don’t like having to be rude and walking away. I learned it is better to just keep on walking and not acknowledge or to politely disengage from them. They won’t stop asking or leave you alone if they really want something. Overall though, I didn’t run into many people that did that. I saw a lady strutting down the street with a black cat on a leash perched on her shoulder. I smiled because I found it interesting and not something I see at home. She asked if I wanted a reading. I politely told her no, she didn’t persist, smiled and kept walking. I loved this city, its culture, and its people. We did see a man who was quite funny. He was at Jackson Square and we were taking photos of the the Andrew Jackson statue and he started cracking jokes with us. He said "Oh let me get out of the way! I don't want to break your camera!" He was funny and was able to make us all laugh on our last day in NOLA. I hope to be back one day!

Monday, January 7, 2019

City Life

 Outer Journey-
     Today was a lot of fun for me. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the city on my own terms and on my own time. I was able to take my time and take in the sights and sounds of everything. As much as I loved having stuff to do each day it was nice to be able to relax a little bit more. There were plenty of interesting things that I was able to see and do today. I was able to people watch and see what if was like living in the city for some. Some people had it pretty rough from what I could see and tell and I felt really bad for them. I had a psychic reading today as well. It was insightful and somewhat therapeutic for me. He spoke to me about things that had happened in my life that I haven't ever told anyone about. Things that only a very select few people know. Hearing his advice and some guidance was helpful. I felt like things were going to be ok. I had the affirmation that things would be okay and that I was on the right path. I also got to go to a voodoo museum. I thought it was really cool. The building was small and cramped but it had a very authentic feel to it. Like the voodoo stuff that was in that building had some long gone stories that only they could tell. Some of the relics and painting that were on the wall I couldn't help but stare at. I just wondered what they were, what they were for, and where they had come from. Did someone wear the masks? If they could talk what kind of story would they be able to tell?

Inner Journey-
     I enjoyed being able to walk around the city and experience it on my own. I wasn't scared doing it, it almost made me feel even more independent. Walking with my head held high and remaining confident I felt like I was less likely to be bothered. It is really hard for me to walk by people and just ignore them. I hate having to do that and it makes me feel terrible. But if I stop and give money or something to every sing person I see, then I would become homeless myself. I learned that by walking with purpose and confidence, it made my feel more confident when walking through the busy streets. Seeing the street entertainers was awesome. Some of these people are really quite talented. I love to watch them. The city spoke to me in so many ways. There is always something to see and do. Each day has brought me a new and exciting experience. Im ready to go home but at the same time I am sad that I am leaving. I will say that the city doesn't have the best plumbing. Let's hope they are still working on it to make the bathrooms better. But the food more than compensates for the less than stellar bathrooms. It was a beautiful ay for exploring. It had just enough of a breeze to keep us cooler while walking and it also wasn't too bright out. During the day there are a lot less people out and about. The crowds really come out at night and that is when it really starts to get busy out. I was glad to be able to be out and about during the day so we weren't bothered much, but at the same time the night life is pretty cool too. There are all the lights and music that are always so entertaining. I just want to sit outside and listen to the artist play their music all night. It really speaks to me. Music has always been something that makes me happy and get me lost in the moment.

I'm living my best life

Outer Journey-
 I love New Orleans. The people here are wonderful. One of my favorite things about this city in addition to its rich history, is the fact that people wear whatever they want. They don't care what others think and I think that is wonderful. As always, I took a whole bunch of pictures to look back on to relive the experience all over again. I learned some really cool things at the Cabildo and the Presbytere, as well as on the Haunted History Tour. There is just so much to do here that each and every day we can do something different and you never get bored. The Hurricane Katrina exhibit was very eye opening for me. I liked that more than the Mardi Gras one. I thought I knew a decent amount about the hurricane but I quickly learned how wrong I was. Knowing that the nurses at the hospital had to leave patients behind upset me so much. I knew how I felt, so I cannot imagine how they must have felt and how absolutely heart breaking that had to have been.  The damage that was done blew my mind. Seeing the pictures and videos gave me goosebumps. The winds reached up to 165 mph. The video of the the storm and aftermath was scarier than anything I had seen or heard about the storm previously. I saw the diary entries that a man wrote on his apartment walls, he wasn't able to leave the city. I mean, how scary was that? I can't wrap my head around it and how scary that had to be. I thought it was wonderful though how the city came together. People volunteered and work together to bring the city back together as well as start piecing their lives back together. It was hard to hear about all of the terrible incidences that happened as well. It goes to show how humans are. There are those who are here to help and rise above the disasters. Then there are those who take advantage of disasters and steal or break into homes. I am appreciative of all the experiences I've had,  and all of the things I have learned while here. I want to come back and experience the sights, sounds, and adventures all over again. The haunted history tour that we went on blew my mind. That was one of my most favorite experiences that I have had. I have always been very interested in learning about history. I have read a lot about Marie Laveau and Madam Delphine LaLaurie, and the things I learned on the tour yesterday I had never heard before. I knew that Delphine had done terrible things to her slaves, but the things that we were told made my stomach churn. I won't go into detail as to what happened to those poor people, but there are plenty of resources out there for us to read. I will say though that you will probably need a strong stomach, and it is something that will upset you. I know how I felt after hearing about it. It made me angry to know that a person is capable of such crap. The tour was amazing, and I enjoyed it so much that I would go on it multiple times. I would probably learn things that I didn't hear the first time. I love that type of stuff so I was thrilled to be able to go on the tour.

Inner Journey-
     The city has the most amazing people here. As I talked about earlier I think it's wonderful how the people of New Orleans came together to help build the city once again. It shows that there are still good people left in this world. There is so much culture here. So much history that it just continues to fascinate me. The history is really what interests me the most. All of the ghost stories and legends get me excited! Even when some of the legends about vampires are based on the harsh reality of things that happened. Young girls being whisked away on a boat to come here were locked up. When they arrived, they didn't look frail and beautiful. They looked almost transparent and ghostly. So, it's no wonder why some people way back when seemed to think that vampires had a part to play in it. Or that instead of admitting that their daughter ran away, they claimed that a vampire whisked them away. All of the legends and myths surrounding this vibrant city are interesting and exciting to me! I could go on and on about all of the things that I have learned and found interesting. I want to go stay in one of the haunted hotels here and see if I can experience something myself. But at the same time, I'm not about to taunt the voodoo and have something follow me around forever. I believe in that stuff. So I am not about to try and piss of an ancestor, or play with an ouija board. No sir, no way.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

We got a dirty 30 and a 23-19

Inner Journey

Today was my 30th birthday and Rachaels 23rd birthday. I was so excited that I was able to spend this "landmark" birthday in NOLA! It's not just everyday that I am in New Orleans, let alone on my birthday. So that just added to my overall excitement and experience of the day.

Today I was able to learn about the structure of the Convent. It is a French design, but has stucco on the outside and the roof is no longer wood. I found this very interesting because they do that in order to essentially preserve the buildings and ensure they don't catch on fire because of how hot it can get here. The wood that would be put on the roof would bake in the New Orleans sun and would eventually turn into straw, which would then catch on fire. That is a scary thought to know how hot it can get that after some years it can catch on fire because of that! The city spoke to me today while getting lunch. We went to BB Kings restaurant before our cuisine tour. Once they found out that it was Rachael and my birthday they actually called us up on stage and sang Happy Birthday to us New Orleans style. It was so cool and I was so happy. I couldn't quite smiling. I was playing the cowbell and Rach was playing the good ole tambourine. The way they sing happy birthday is so much cooler than how we normally sing it. I can't quite remember all of the words, but the gentleman singing it had a soulful raspy voice. I could have listened to him all day long. Even though we were not locals they were eager to include us and it made my birthday very special to me. This is something that I will remember for a very long time. I thought it was so nice and was extremely grateful that they did that for us! Learning about the Mardi Gras today was insightful. There is so much that goes into it. Learning about the balls and the Mardi Gras queen and the dresses that she wears. We were able to go see some the dresses that are worn and I couldn't imagine having to do that! I am grateful and appreciative of the tour guides that have taken us around the city so we can get these wonderful experiences. It was a perfect day today. It was just warm enough with a slight breeze. It was also sunny out and I was glad to be able to be outside so I could see so much of what the city has to offer.

We saw a Covenant, no thats a Convent

Outer Journey

Today was once a fun filled day of adventure! One of my most favorite things to learn about is history. I have always loved and really enjoyed learning about history. I feel like it is important to know about and we can learn from the past, to make our future better. There really is so much history to this city. Both good and bad. Happy and sad. I was able to take so many pictures today. I enjoy taking pictures so I can reflect on them later, and think about all of the fun filled times I have had. I find the history of Churches to be quite interesting. Sometimes they have a dark past, but the church is usually is able to rise above that. Learning about the history of the St. Louis Cathedral and the Old Ursuline Convent was exciting for me. Walking in I could smell that familiar church smell. The convent also smelled old. The architecture was beautiful and old. We don't see buildings like that anymore. They would be way too expensive to build. The craftsmanship that went into the building of the church as convent was amazing. The paintings and the statues we something I could look at all day long. Learning about the history of these two massive and old buildings spoke to me. I didn't know where to look first. I wanted to take everything in as much as I could. Also, the older gentleman that was giving us the tour at the Old Ursuline Convent was wonderful! He had a cute accent and had a really good sense of humor. I practically hung on every word he said. I asked him why it was so "bad" to harvest the sugarcane. I never knew that it was that hard to have to chop sugarcane down because of how dense they are and how close they grow together.

I enjoyed the cuisine tour immensely. I was able to eat foods that I do not have the chance to eat at home. I think my favorite was the turtle soup. I have eaten turtle before, but never as a soup. It was creamy and delicious. It was also very rich, not something you would be able to eat a huge heaping bowl of. I have also never had a real praline either and those were oh so good! For some reason I always thought they were some sort of cookie. Like a snickerdoodle or something. They were not what I expected, but so much better. Melt in your mouth good, also a bit sugary. Not something that you could eat a whole bunch of (you know, like chocolate chip cookies). I would like to find a recipe for them and try and make them myself. The smell of the shop with the pralines made me think of my grandma and her baking. It was the sweet smell of vanilla, butter, and sugary baked pecans. It was a comforting smell, and something that I would like my home to smell like! Walking down the streets and seeing the artists always blows my mind. My head is swiveling in all directions trying to take it all in. The paintings and the music are something that I try to get plenty of pictures and videos of. I can't wait to show my family back home everything that I have seen and tell them about all that I have learned.

Inside the mind of a tourist

Inner Journey

NOLA 2019, so many experiences already. The sights, sounds, locals, other tourists. Where to I even begin? The city is so full of life. There is never a dull moment. I adored how people here literally don’t care what others think. They dress however they want. I have seen some crazy outfits, and some really cool ones. For them, this is completely “normal”. Back home if I did that, people would look at me as if I had lost my mind! I really liked our tour guide, Milton. He was fun and insightful. I was able to see how much he loved doing what he did, and was very knowledgeable about everything as well. My Great-Great-Grandmother was Cherokee. I have Native American on both sides of my family. My grandma still donates to the tribes, which makes me proud. When hearing about how the Native Americans and the Africans worked together, it made me really happy. That isn’t something I had ever learned about, let alone heard about his history class. I wish this was a topic that had been discussed during any classroom time I ever had in high school or junior high. There is so many things that I have learned already here. Some that pulls at the heart strings, and some that blows my mind. Hearing about the Natives and Africans was impactful for me because I loved hearing about how they worked together, to help one another out. It was also very interesting. I cannot wait to see what more this city has to offer. There will be plenty more to come later. Not only for this blog, but for the next ones as well. 

Out if this World

Outer Journey

Yesterday was once again so much fun for me. So many different things to see and do in this exciting city! The street music was amazing and I loved to listen to it. There were so many different performers and they all had their own unique sounds. The two gentleman that played near the river front last night were my favorite. Their music was wonderful, it wasn’t quite like anything I had ever really heard before. I am not sure how to describe it. It almost sounded sad in a way, but also soulful. They were given money by people listened and they made sure to thank everyone. You could tell though that they just really enjoyed what they were doing, which only made it that much better. My favorite experience was probably seeing Marie Laveau’s grave, or the three of them. I have always been really fascinated by her. I learned some cool things about her that I didn’t know. It was a very old and beautiful cemetery. It is not like any of the ones we have back home. I got a lot of really good pictures yesterday to add to my collected. I enjoyed seeing all of the artwork of the city as well. My favorite artists were the street artists, rather than the ones who were shown in the gallery. For me there is just something a bit more “real” about the artwork done by the street vendors. One of the employees in an art gallery asked if we were interested in purchasing one of the art pieces. Ha-ha no. I am balling on a nursing student budget, so that is not going to happen. The architecture is something I like looking at. The old and ornate buildings. Those are my favorite. The Shotgun houses and creole cottages were my favorite of the two. I thought it was so cool that Africans were the ones who designed the Shotgun house. I had never heard of one or seen one before this trip. When I go home and who knows, maybe get to build a house one day, I want to fashion it after the ones that I have seen here.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

I've learned a thing or two

Inner Journey

     I have always loved to learn. It is something that makes me happy. Being able to learn about all kinds of things while I am here gets me really pumped for my day. Going to the Pharmacy museum is something that I am really looking forward to. I was really looking forward to the Ghost Tour, but it makes me happy that we get to go to it on a day that will be nice and I will be able to get the full experience out of it. Dinner was everything that I was hoping for. For me it was pretty much like eating soul food. The crab cakes were essentially my soul food for the day.

The French quarter was an interesting experience. I saw so many different sights and sounds. We were reading over some news articles in our hotel room and learned that when we were hearing all of those sirens while waiting for the street car, someone had been shot. Today was also the 9th day in a row that someone had been killed here. That is a very scary thought and makes me uncomfortable. I realize that this is a big city and all, but this is something that I am not used to. I am used to my small town life where we don't have to worry about that kind of stuff. My best friend hasn't locked her door in 13 years, so knowing that these individuals have been killed that many days in a row makes me uneasy. I will make sure to be on my guard a bit more. I will keep my eyes open and ears peeled for sights and sounds that may been trouble (as cheesy as that may sound). The inner journey is harder for me. I am not great with emotions or showing emotion. I am still learning how to write about it from this kind of standpoint. Thats all a part of the learning experience! I am ready for tomorrows fun filled day of activities. Ready to learn and blog. Ready to make memories and have fun.


The Arrival

Outer Journey

     We have finally arrived! My initial impression when arriving was that it was it seemed to be a bit run down around the train station and before we got to our main destination. Once we got to where we were staying I was quite excited. The hotel is very nice. It looks so clean and our room is very modern and clean. We even have two TV's in our room. The train station was full of so many sights and sounds. There was a crying child, women who looked like they were going to a beauty pageant. It looked like they were bringing the beehive back. Higher the hair, the closer to God. I felt like they were channeling their inner Dolly Parton. But to be honest I kind of wondered why didja come in here lookin like that? To each their own. On our way to the hotel we encountered such a nice man. Our Uber driver's name was Keith. He was the sweetest, nicest older gentleman. He helped load our baggage into the back of his van. I told him that I liked his accent and he promptly told me that he didn't have one, I did. He was able to get us to the hotel safe and sound. He was very polite and talkative the whole way to our hotel. I enjoy our nice hotel room. We are watching American Horror Story while writing out blog posts. I keep getting distracted. I love this show so much. I felt that it is only fitting to watch this one (Coven) while being in NOLA. Riding the streetcar to the French Quarter was a lot of fun. I have never been on a streetcar until now. It was fun experience. We were jam-packed in with all of the others who riding as well. It was a unique and interesting experience to be able to ride around the city in one. We all had quite an experience though. A lady claimed that her husband was stabbed today in Jackson Square. She said that he had surgery and he was ok, it was the last day of their vacation. She just kept telling us to be careful. Even though her husband had supposedly just been nearly killed, she didn't seem all that upset. I kept thinking about that in the back of my mind. She wanted the four of us to walk with her in Jackson Square. Kate offered pepper spray to her, but she refused. I know people grieve in different ways, but I would have just been so much more upset and emotional. Something in the back of my mind kept telling me something was odd or off. Obviously we were not going to go with her. While on the train, one of the locals told us to be careful and to be aware of our surroundings. With that being said, I am glad we are okay and that noting happened. The whole experience was just odd. If that really did happen I hope he is ok. If not, shame on her.  I am looking forward to seeing the French Quarter during the day. I have taken many pictures so I can look back on these blog posts, as well as the photos that I have taken and be able to reminisce. The Original Pierre Maspero's was quite a treat. I got the crab cakes and they were amazing. It was everything that I had been hoping for. I am not sure what kind of sauce they had to put on the crab cakes, but it was equally amazing. There was just the right amount of spice to them. Absolutely delicious. Crispy on the outside and done to perfection on the inside. It was a downpour out there tonight, my jacket was supposed to be waterproof. Let's just say by the time we got back to the hotel, everyone was soaked. I am glad that the ghost tour was postponed. That is one thing that I am looking forward to the most. It would not have been nearly as enjoyable during a downpour. I am eagerly awaiting my day tomorrow. There will be many new learning opportunities awaiting for me.

My Adventure Begins

Outer Journey
 So far, I am loving every minute of this trip. I am listening to my podcast "Astonishing Legends" looking out the windows thinking about what to write. Many people walking up and down the isles are having trouble staying upright while walking. I am kind of enjoying the sway of the train and the large lookout windows. I hardly slept at all last night, I don’t think many of us did. I will admit my back hurts, I am not used to sleeping on a train. I don’t mind, this is all part of the experience! I have always enjoyed people watching, so I'm getting a kick out of the people on the train. I am always aware of my surroundings. I work on a Psych floor and we always have to pay attention to what is going on, who is doing what, and where people are. I think thus will come in handy for the trip. I will be able to take in so many details and write about it later. I just saw my first ever, cotton field. It may sound silly to most, but it was almost exciting for me! All I ever see is corn fields, and more corn fields. There were two dogs sitting beside the train tracks, I wanted to rescue them. I ate breakfast on the train. The coffee wasn’t good, but it was coffee. Not to mention that it is quite expensive. I made sure to leave with plenty of time to spare to get to the train station on time. While waiting to board the train I watched American Horror Story: Coven with my group members. We are getting prepped for the city! I've gotten used to the trains horn sounds by now and don’t notice them as much. I wish I was able to take the train more often. I'm really enjoying this, especially in the observation car. I started journaling right before this, and I enjoy doing it. It makes happy to write about my experiences, while listening to podcasts so I can look back on these later. My first trip to the bathroom was a trip. I felt like I had sea legs X10,000. I was all over the place and was giggling to myself while in the bathroom because of because of the experience. Looking out the window and seeing the flood fields and what looks like baby swamps, I hear Lindsey ask Kate if she wants to go in there. Kate's response was "Are there snakes in there?". Kate is terrified of snakes. Looking out of the window I see that the area I am currently in (Tchula, MS) is a food desert. You can tell that it is a very poor rural area. The houses are not in good condition. The front yards are a complete mess. It looks like the locals don’t care about the appearance of their home, they may have more important things to worry about. I am a very clean individual, cleaning makes me happy. Everything has a place. This just makes me want to go out and clean up the trailer and the yard. But I'm a little scare about what I may find in there. It is apparent that they have had so much rain here. Fields are flooded and mud is everywhere. I am eagerly awaiting my arrival in New Orleans.

Inner Journey
My excitement couldn’t be kept to myself last night. I was so excited when we were leaving that I said GOODBYE ILLINOIS. I temporarily forgot we had to make our way to Champaign to hitch a ride on the train. So the girls said Hello Champaign, we all laughed. I've started to take to a few individuals that I don’t know on the train. I like hearing about other peoples stories. The locals are not telling us the best way to travel and stay in NOLA. How exciting. They said that it is nice, but we should have come in February for Mardi Gras. They said the best way to do it is to get a house for 3-4 days, and then split the cost. He said it’s a lot cheaper that way. You can tell that they like talking about where they are from, which I think I so neat. I feel like a little kid at Christmas because the farther from home we get, and the close to New Orleans we get the more excited I get. I feel fidgety and restless. Ill admit that I feel a bit impatient now too, the conductor came on and said that we are waiting for a freight train now, and once they are cleared we will be back on our way. I'm thrilled about the idea of a new adventure! I will be seeing places I've never seen before, as well as doing things that I am not able to do otherwise. I love, love, love museums. Like I said earlier, I love to learn. So thinking about all of the fun things that I will see and learn about gets me so pumped for my day. If I think about where we are going to eat tonight too much my mouth starts to water. I want some crab cakes. This is a once in a lifetime trip for me. I will enjoy every minute and make the most of it. I'm with great friends, we are going to have great food, and maybe even better experiences. I want to see if I can go look at the house from American Horror Story Coven and get a few pictures of it. How cool would that be!?! Its hard for me to put into words about my excitement level. A kid in a candy store? A little kid who just got a pony? The guy behind me that is from NOLA is cracking me up. He's the one who is telling us the best ways to stay there. So far the people that I have met on the train are quite friendly, which is a relief. It makes me happy to meet new people. I think I smell some weed on the train. Yikes. I am so grateful for this experience. I worked hard to make sure I could come on this. I tried really hard to save up my money so I could do this with my friends. I am eagerly awaiting for what happens the rest of the day. The local we meant told us to go to Jeans Po'boy on Rampart. You know its good when the locals suggest it. He also just told us to make sure to stay together. Be with at least 2 or three of us. Do not wear beads, that will be a dead giveaway to the locals. He said the best tour to do is the street car. Its cheap and you see all kinds of cool stuff. He also said to try to avoid playing the "hustlers games on bourbon street". He is so nice, giving us tips about what to do, what not to do, where to eat. When we told him about our Jazzy Passes he said Oh Good, even free'er! He is just cracking me up. The lady in front if me is being so kind and they just keep letting us to know to be safe and stay in a pack.