Sunday, December 30, 2018

My First Outer Journey

Outer Journey

I have become very excited for this trip as it gets closer. I love to travel and one place I have always wanted to go was New Orleans! What makes this even better for me is that fact that it is a nursing travel course and I get to go with some great friends I have made in nursing school. I do not get to travel much, so I am over the moon for this experience! When packing for this trip (I have not done so yet) I am the type of person that needs to make a list. I will write down everything I need and want to take for this exciting journey. During the first class setting we were told how to not look like a tourist, which I will try to do, but undoubtedly will. I will bring along my Mac and my iPad since they both link to one another. I figured it would be easier to do some of our travel posting on my iPad since it is a bit smaller and lighter. I also plan on bring snacks for all of us to eat during our adventures around the city. I will also be the "pack mule" and bring my book bag to store items we will need. Water, snacks, iPad, extra socks and shoes, and anything else we may need. I bought some extra tenny-runners (sneakers) for the tip incase my feet get sore from a certain pair. I have also purchased lined leggings to wear rather than jeans. I will be much more comfortable in that walking all day than in jeans. I also purchased a pare of wellingtons (rain boots) to tag along just in case! My parents will be taking care of Sid Vicious, my betta fish. That way I don't have to worry about him. He is currently the only trusty pet I have now, which makes it much easier on them. Like I said before, I am a list maker so I will make a list of things I think I will want a need on the Hogwarts Express. In preparation for this class I have gone through D2L and read over everything and created bookmarks to ensure I have everything I need and have easy access to it. I will also have my headphones with me to listen to my music when blogging and down times. I also will be listening to my favorite podcasts along the way.

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