Sunday, December 30, 2018

My First Inner Journey

Inner Journey

I have a lot of expectations for this trip. I think it is going to be so much fun, as well as a great learning experience. This is something that I will remember for the rest of my life. I have always loved traveling and experiencing new things. My plan for the future is to live small and travel big! So the fact that I get to do this while in nursing school with great friends is AMAZINGGGG!
For me this course will be exciting, memorable, and educational. The trip will be fun filled adventures, laughter, and learning. I will make the most of this trip and appreciate each day and each experience. I am looking forward to the walking, believe it for not. This will help to jump-start my fitness goals and help me get back on track. But the food may be my downfall. I love food and from what I have read and heard, the food there is going to be wonderful and not something that I get to eat everyday. I plan on seeing of one of the girls and I can split a plate not only to save money but I have also been told that they aren't stingy when it comes to portion sizes. After all I view this city as the City of Music, Fun, and Great Food!
From this trip I hope to not only learn as much as I can, experience as much as I can, but also to have fun. As I stated before this will be something I will look back and remember fondly for the rest of my life. I recently was able to upgrade my phone and the one I had before just wasn't cutting it when it came to memory. So I updated my iPhone to one with a lot more memory so I can take as many pictures and videos as I want, without worrying if I have enough room. One of the girls and I already spoke about creating a folder to share our pictures we take with one another. I took this course in order to travel and get more experience and excitement out of life. I love to learn, I always have. I also want to be able to experience as much as I can out of life, as well as nursing school. I didn't know about this trip until my friends told me about it and I knew I had to go. NOLA isn't just a short drive away, so I was super excited for this opportunity.
As for right now I can't pinpoint one thing that I am the most excited for. I am excited about it all. I love creepy stuff. So the idea of visiting Marie Laveau's grave and going on a ghost tour blows my mind. My favorite show is American Horror Story, so the idea of going to this city that is filled with culture, ghost stories, and adventure is hard for me to put into words for how excited I am! Will I encounter or experience something that is strange/creepy-ish/unexplainable? I hope so (all while remaining safe of course). Im excited for the learning and memories made.


My First Outer Journey

Outer Journey

I have become very excited for this trip as it gets closer. I love to travel and one place I have always wanted to go was New Orleans! What makes this even better for me is that fact that it is a nursing travel course and I get to go with some great friends I have made in nursing school. I do not get to travel much, so I am over the moon for this experience! When packing for this trip (I have not done so yet) I am the type of person that needs to make a list. I will write down everything I need and want to take for this exciting journey. During the first class setting we were told how to not look like a tourist, which I will try to do, but undoubtedly will. I will bring along my Mac and my iPad since they both link to one another. I figured it would be easier to do some of our travel posting on my iPad since it is a bit smaller and lighter. I also plan on bring snacks for all of us to eat during our adventures around the city. I will also be the "pack mule" and bring my book bag to store items we will need. Water, snacks, iPad, extra socks and shoes, and anything else we may need. I bought some extra tenny-runners (sneakers) for the tip incase my feet get sore from a certain pair. I have also purchased lined leggings to wear rather than jeans. I will be much more comfortable in that walking all day than in jeans. I also purchased a pare of wellingtons (rain boots) to tag along just in case! My parents will be taking care of Sid Vicious, my betta fish. That way I don't have to worry about him. He is currently the only trusty pet I have now, which makes it much easier on them. Like I said before, I am a list maker so I will make a list of things I think I will want a need on the Hogwarts Express. In preparation for this class I have gone through D2L and read over everything and created bookmarks to ensure I have everything I need and have easy access to it. I will also have my headphones with me to listen to my music when blogging and down times. I also will be listening to my favorite podcasts along the way.